

I'm Heather - lifestyle photographer & homeschooling mama. We choose simple and slow. Freedom and fresh air. And I like to make things beautiful.

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Great Questions to Get You Started On Your Minimalist Journey

Great Questions to Get You Started On Your Minimalist Journey

There are tips, tricks and insights on getting started down this road, but to get motivated, sometimes you have to ask yourself the right questions. Why do I want to live the sifted life? Why do I want to kill the clutter? How would we spend our time if we weren't cleaning/maintaining/bound to someone else's schedule? Do I want to get out of debt so I can save more for retirement? Do I want to have time to coach more? Do I want to be able to have friends over without worrying about the state of my house? If we could live with less, could we be a single-income family to stay home with the kids? Knowing your why behind this lifestyle change is critical.

But aside from knowing your why, there are also some great questions you can mull over to get inspired to go deeper. If you're in need of ideas, right this way...

  1. What cupboard/drawer/room/closet/nook and cranny can I go through TODAY?

  2. What can I consolidate and centralize? What multiples can I discard?

  3. What activity could I cut out of my/our schedule in order to spend more time together?

  4. Do I need to embrace my shape and adjust my wardrobe accordingly? What can I remove from my closet? Do I feel obligated to hang on to things? Am I holding on to unrealistic hopes? Do I really need my pre-kid jeans? Do I really need 20 pairs of pants? Are there clothes in my wardrobe that are just plain dated and ugly? What five words describe my style? Could I create a capsule wardrobe/uniform?

  5. Is there a TV show I could cut out? A magazine? Online browsing? Email notifications?

  6. Could we downsize our house and yard to have more time to play and less time cleaning and mowing?

  7. Could we get rid of one of our cars and make it work?

  8. Could I keep my phone in my pocket for longer? Could I limit myself to checking Facebook/Instagram/email twice a day?

  9. Could we become a one-income family?

  10. If money weren't an object, what would I want to do?

  11. Am I a retail therapy expert? Do I get a high from impulse buys? Do I justify purchases?

  12. Could I experiment with a temporary shopping ban to see what "enough" is for me?


Friends, I hope you're as excited as I am to find a fuller, happier life with less! 

Couch Cuddles

Couch Cuddles

Parenting Minimalism in a Materialistic World

Parenting Minimalism in a Materialistic World