

I'm Heather - lifestyle photographer & homeschooling mama. We choose simple and slow. Freedom and fresh air. And I like to make things beautiful.

Let’s be friends?

Greenhouse X Garden

Greenhouse X Garden

Seeds. We needed to buy seeds. This year, the littles would get their own plots of earth to tend, so packets of tiny seeds needed to be searched for and brought home. Mulhall's was our destination - a magical land of never ending greenhouses, rows upon rows of green growing things, every pot you could imagine and all styled in the most becoming way. "When can we move in?" The Mister exhaled as we walked in. 

Alice and Milo frolicked around smelling flowers, petting ceramic glazed mushrooms, and eventually gathered the packets they wanted. Every time we went, we lamented having to leave.

(For a fuller post on gardening with the little ones, right this way...) 

Below is a visual story of our lively ramblings in the greenhouses and our garden. Thank you, Mulhall's, for the good times! Can't wait to come back!!

Spring | 2017

Spring | 2017

Nature Journaling | The Beginning

Nature Journaling | The Beginning