

I'm Heather - lifestyle photographer & homeschooling mama. We choose simple and slow. Freedom and fresh air. And I like to make things beautiful.

Let’s be friends?

Strawberry Patch

Strawberry Patch

One delicious Monday, we ventured out to the farm for some berry-picking fun with friends. The morning was cloudy and warm; a breeze stirring the scent of strawberries, making us eager to gather. More of those sweet little gems made it into our mouths than bowls, but we still managed to hunt enough for three pints of homemade jam. 

We lounged on shade-dappled blankets. Scarlet juice stained lips, cheeks, and shirts. Boots and hats went missing. The kids frolicked through the patch, leaving squashed berries and echos of laughter in their wake. It was glorious :)

Thank you, friends, for joining us, and thanks Gramma Jo & Papa Bear for sharing your bounty!

A few of me and mine below...

And thank you, Bethany, for snapping a few of me and my tiny loves!

Story Time

Story Time

Alice & the Apron

Alice & the Apron